Using the C API

All the C API is documented in the installed nopegl.h header. Since the header documentation doesn’t provide the big picture on how things fit together, this how-to will serve as a guide.

Every public function and structure uses the ngl_ prefix as namespace. Similarly, macro, constants and enums use the NGL_ prefix. NGLI_FOURCC() typically is not part of the public API and you should not use it.

Note on the private API: The I in NGLI_FOURCC() stands for Internal. The ngli_* symbols share this meaning and correspond to symbols shared inside the project but never exposed to the user (you will never see them in the public header).

Compilation and linking with

In order to compile a source code using the C-API, the main and only header has to be included:

#include <nopegl.h>

This is a C header, so if you are writing code in another language, you must use the appropriate method to include it. For example in C++, it will look like this:

extern "C" {
#include <nopegl.h>

If you are using a standard build tool-chain, you will need pkg-config to obtain the compilation and linker flags:

pkg-config --cflags --libs libnopegl

Check the pkg-config documentation and your build system for more information.

Create and configure the rendering context

Allocating the rendering context can be made at any time using ngl_create():

    struct ngl_ctx *ctx = ngl_create();
    if (!ctx)
        return -1;

    const struct ngl_config config = {...};
    int ret = ngl_configure(ctx, &config);
    if (ret < 0)
        return ret;

Constructing a scene

Method 1: de-serializing an existing scene

When a scene is already available under the serialized form (.ngl), obtaining the scene can be achieved by creating a scene and initializing it from the string:

    struct ngl_scene *scene = ngl_scene_create();
    if (!scene)
        return -1;
    ngl_scene_init_from_str(scene, str);

Method 2: getting the scene from Python

This is a bit more complex and depends on how your scene is crafted in Python. When you have access to your Python node object, you will have to get its cptr attribute and convert it from Long to Ptr to obtain the native ngl_node pointer.

You probably want to look at how ngl-python performs this operation.

Method 3: crafting the scene in C

The most straightforward method though, is to craft a scene directly using the C API.

In this section, we will assume that you are familiar with the Python binding and how a basic Draw node works. If not, you are encouraged to check out the starter tutorial before reading any further.

To create a node, you only need the ngl_node_create() function, which later needs to be de-referenced with ngl_node_unrefp().

Following is a function returning basic scene rendering a video into a rectangle geometry:

static struct ngl_scene *get_scene(const char *filename)
    static const float corner[3] = {-1.0, -1.0, 0.0};
    static const float width[3]  = { 2.0,  0.0, 0.0};
    static const float height[3] = { 0.0,  2.0, 0.0};

    struct ngl_scene *scene = ngl_scene_create();
    if (!scene)
        return NULL;

    struct ngl_node *media   = ngl_node_create(NGL_NODE_MEDIA);
    struct ngl_node *texture = ngl_node_create(NGL_NODE_TEXTURE2D);
    struct ngl_node *quad    = ngl_node_create(NGL_NODE_QUAD);
    struct ngl_node *program = ngl_node_create(NGL_NODE_PROGRAM);
    struct ngl_node *draw    = ngl_node_create(NGL_NODE_DRAW);

    ngl_node_param_set_str(media, "filename", filename);
    ngl_node_param_set_data(texture, "data_src", media);
    ngl_node_param_set_vec3(quad, "corner", corner);
    ngl_node_param_set_vec3(quad, "width", width);
    ngl_node_param_set_vec3(quad, "height", height);
    ngl_node_param_set_str(program, "vertex", vertex);
    ngl_node_param_set_str(program, "fragment", fragment);
    ngl_node_param_set_node(draw, "geometry", quad);
    ngl_node_param_set_node(draw, "program", program);
    ngl_node_param_set_dict(draw, "textures", "tex0", texture);

    const struct ngl_scene_params params = ngl_scene_default_params(draw);
    ngl_scene_init(scene, &params);


    return scene;

Note: When a node is referenced by another through parameters, its reference counter is incremented because the parent holds a reference to its children. As a result, you must release your own references using ngl_node_unrefp().


First step is to associate the scene with the rendering context:

    struct ngl_ctx *ctx = ...;
    struct ngl_scene *scene = get_scene(...);

    ngl_set_scene(ctx, scene);

Then you are responsible for handling the time yourself and requesting draws using ngl_draw() with the desired time.

Rendering 10 seconds at 60 frames per second (at maximum speed) looks like this:

    for (int i = 0; i < 60*10; i++) {
        const double t = i / 60.;
        ngl_draw(ctx, t);

If you are dealing with real time rendering, the drawing callback needs to be called at regular interval (graphic system API often comes with a vsync callback) and use the current time of the reference clock to compute the drawing time.

Of course, the desired drawing time does not need to be called in a monotonic manner, any time can be requested. Beware that this may involve heavy operations such as media seeking, which may cause a delay in the rendering.


At the end of the rendering, you need to destroy the scene by unreferencing the root node and destroying the rendering context:
