Nope Forge documentationΒΆ
The Nope Forge project provides a free and open source cross-platform framework for motion design, 2D composition and visual effects.
For the bleeding edge main
branch version of the documentation, see
This documentation is split into 2 main sections: user and developers documentation. General usage (including programming interfaces) belongs to the former; the latter refers to development within the project itself.
Within each section, the documentation follows the Divio documentation system, which means it is structured into 4 main categories:
Tutorials: introduction to general concepts to get started with the project
How-to guides: step-by-step instructions and examples to cover common usage questions
Discussions and explanations: provides clarifications and background on key topics
Reference documentation: the technical and exhaustive reference
The whole documentation is updated automatically according to changes happening in the main GitHub repository.
- π€π Users documentation
- π Tutorials
- π‘ How-to guides
- βοΈ Discussions and explanations
- π Reference documentation
- Nodes
- AnimatedBuffer*
- AnimatedColor
- AnimatedPath
- AnimatedTime
- AnimatedFloat
- AnimatedVec2
- AnimatedVec3
- AnimatedVec4
- AnimatedQuat
- AnimKeyFrameFloat
- AnimKeyFrameVec2
- AnimKeyFrameVec3
- AnimKeyFrameVec4
- AnimKeyFrameQuat
- AnimKeyFrameColor
- AnimKeyFrameBuffer
- Block
- Buffer*
- Camera
- Circle
- ColorKey
- ColorStats
- Compute
- ComputeProgram
- FilterAlpha
- FilterColorMap
- FilterContrast
- FilterExposure
- FilterInverseAlpha
- FilterLinear2sRGB
- FilterOpacity
- FilterPremult
- FilterSaturation
- FilterSelector
- FilterSRGB2Linear
- FastGaussianBlur
- GaussianBlur
- Geometry
- GraphicConfig
- GridLayout
- Group
- Identity
- IOVar*
- EvalFloat
- EvalVec2
- EvalVec3
- EvalVec4
- Media
- Noise*
- Path
- PathKeyBezier2
- PathKeyBezier3
- PathKeyClose
- PathKeyLine
- PathKeyMove
- Program
- Quad
- Render
- RenderColor
- RenderDisplace
- RenderGradient
- RenderGradient4
- RenderHistogram
- RenderNoise
- RenderPath
- RenderTexture
- RenderToTexture
- RenderWaveform
- ResourceProps
- Rotate
- RotateQuat
- Scale
- Skew
- SmoothPath
- Text
- TextEffect
- Texture2D
- Texture2DArray
- Texture3D
- TextureCube
- TextureView
- Time
- TimeRangeFilter
- Transform
- Translate
- Triangle
- StreamedInt
- StreamedIVec2
- StreamedIVec3
- StreamedIVec4
- StreamedUInt
- StreamedUIVec2
- StreamedUIVec3
- StreamedUIVec4
- StreamedFloat
- StreamedVec2
- StreamedVec3
- StreamedVec4
- StreamedMat4
- StreamedBufferInt
- StreamedBufferIVec2
- StreamedBufferIVec3
- StreamedBufferIVec4
- StreamedBufferUInt
- StreamedBufferUIVec2
- StreamedBufferUIVec3
- StreamedBufferUIVec4
- StreamedBufferFloat
- StreamedBufferVec2
- StreamedBufferVec3
- StreamedBufferVec4
- StreamedBufferMat4
- UniformBool
- UniformInt
- UniformIVec2
- UniformIVec3
- UniformIVec4
- UniformUInt
- UniformUIVec2
- UniformUIVec3
- UniformUIVec4
- UniformMat4
- UniformFloat
- UniformVec2
- UniformVec3
- UniformVec4
- UniformColor
- UniformQuat
- UserSelect
- UserSwitch
- VelocityFloat
- VelocityVec2
- VelocityVec3
- VelocityVec4
- Parameter types
- Parameter flags
- Constants for choices parameters
- colorspace choices
- easing choices
- memory_layout choices
- selector_component choices
- selector_drop choices
- selector_output choices
- topology choices
- blend_factor choices
- blend_operation choices
- component choices
- function choices
- stencil_operation choices
- cull_mode choices
- precision choices
- nopemd_log_level choices
- nopemd_hwaccel choices
- interp_noise choices
- blend_preset choices
- gradient_mode choices
- scope_mode choices
- noise_type choices
- scale_mode choices
- valign choices
- halign choices
- writing_mode choices
- text_target choices
- format choices
- filter choices
- mipmap_filter choices
- wrap choices
- pynopegl
- pynopegl-utils
- NGL tools
- Eval
- Nodes
- π·π Developers documentation